Apr 21, 2009

this is inspired by a real conversation i had with my sister, true story.

also, i'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix now that i finished Goblet of Fire, and i just want to say that i wish i was friends with all the Hogwarts gang [except for some people, like Umbridge. she's not my favourite].

oh! and i've been writing more music, and i'm having a lot of fun with it. plus, my band [Sleeves on Sunburns] is doing a joint EP with michael martin's band [Ten of Us Together] and it's going to be wonderful. michael martin is so amazing at playing the guitar.

another thing: i'm currently working on eveolving my dratini [his name is Mortimer] into a dragonair [then, of course, a dragonite] in Pokemon Yellow. it's difficult, because my other pokemon aren't all that great, to tell the truth [they're all around level 45-ish; Mortimer is level 35 or so] and i don't have much money left. so i can't really go fight the Elite Four to get a lot of experience and money, and i can't really just wander around fighting pokemon unless i constantly go back to a pokemon center to get healed because otherwise i'll run out of items and money. it's tough.

this is number 25.

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